Micah 6 v 8

He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Your Kingdom Come!

Ok so here's another post where I don't have to do much. I know it's kind of cheating to post like this but what these guys have to say is so much better than anything I can come up with.

I've realised that in my praying, I'm praying loads for the people who I come into contact with to be saved and realise their need for the gospel. This, of course, is a great thing to pray for and important. However, very rarely am I praying for Jesus to come today...Now! I suppose my reason for not praying this is sometimes I think "Jesus come but can you wait until I finish my degree?". Perhaps for you it's "Jesus come but once I have a few years in this new job I've accepted" or "Jesus come but let me have a few more years enjoying my children going up".  Whatever the reason, and no matter how "good" the motive, it is wrong for us to pray this way. 

The New Testament church, as well as being radically missional and out reaching to the lost, also eagerly anticipated and expected Jesus to come soon. How great would it be if we had this mindset? Some people may turn and say "That will just make you too heavenly minded to be of earthly use". My response is that once we realise the joy which is to come, we will become ever the more missional and urgent in our proclamation of the gospel so that more people will be with us in eternity enjoying and glorifying God in eternity. This is what a good preacher, Sam Storms has to say on Heaven using the works of Jonathan Edwards. It is long but it is worth it. Please watch it and I pray that as you do, it will spur you on with excitement for the coming Kingdom and with an urgency to proclaim Jesus to those around us.

Piper introduces Sam. Enjoy

Click Here For Sermon On Heaven - Joys Eternal Increase


Anonymous said...

I had trouble with the video, so I found the audio and listened to it on my ipod. It was a very interesting sermon, and I loved the topic! It's great to hear about heaven, I can't wait :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! Preaches and talking about Heaven always comes as a massive encouragement for me. Sorry that the video didn't work for you. You should also check out my favourite song on Heaven, its Hillsong - You Hold me now!

Rhoda said...

Oh I only just saw this - I love that Hillsong song too - definitely one of my favourites! And 'We will meet him in the air' by Phatfish is another :)